Golf Practice Online Lesson Review

There’s no doubt that having a golf coach is the fast track to improving your game but very few of us have the time and money required to make that a reality. While there is a lot you can do on your own to improve your game, we’re sometimes blind to many things with our game and this is no where more noticeable than with our swing.

While analyzing your own swing will lead to improvement, it doesn’t compare with a golf teaching professional taking a look. This is especially true if you are new to the game. Have a teaching professional get you started in the right direction. Even if you’ve been playing for years, we sometimes slip back into poor fundamentals that we are blind to see. Have a teacher get your swing back on track.

For years instructors have used video to help them improve their students’ swings. Now smartphones have made it easy to record video of your own swing. The ability to easily upload these videos to the Internet has also opened the door for a relatively new form of golf instruction – online golf instruction.

The idea is simple. Shoot video of your own swing, upload it to a website, and have a golf professional review it and offer ways for you to improve. It’s been something I’ve been contemplating for some time, so when Brant from offered to review my swing, I jumped at the chance.

Getting started at is very easy. I took two videos of my swing, one from behind down the target line and facing me perpendicular to the target line, filled out the online form and uploaded the videos. Within a few days my online lesson was ready!

Your lesson consists of two parts. The first is a written review with observations and suggestions on areas of your swing to work on. Brant also included links to YouTube videos featuring himself demonstrating proper technique.

The second part of your lesson is a video analysis of your swing. Areas of improvement from the written review are further analyzed with your swing compared along side swings by pro golfers. My swing was compared frame by frame with Rory McIlroy’s and Luke Donald’s.

I felt the combination of the written review, video analysis, and YouTube videos coming together to reinforce the three areas of improvement for my swing did a great job of emphasizing what steps I need to take to improve.

Check out today for online instruction for your game!